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(Working Title)

Here is a general overview of the story, I will upload the rest in time. CW Gore


Before he met Lars, Sascha didn't have many friends. During break time in school he sat outside in a quiet place and drew in his sketchbook. He was friendly with people and had an acquaintance in mathematics who he sat next to and talked to, but they didn't really talk much outside of class as he had his own group of friends who usually just played football or chased girls with slugs during their free time. His parents were quite strict and religious, his father was a builder and his mother a primary school teacher. His father was distant with his son and more conservative, he believed his son was too soft and discouraged his passion for the arts. His mother was kinder, and used to often get into arguments with his father about their child. Sascha never understood what it was that he did that was wrong, maybe there was just something wrong with himself.

Lars was also quite reclusive. He noticed time and time again that people just didn’t understand him, and he didn’t understand them. When he was a younger child he was more energetic and talked to more people but as they grew older, the children became meaner. Lars used to have a friend but she left him to join a group of girls who made fun of him almost daily. His parents (mum and step dad) were farmers and owned a small plot of land where they harvested potatoes and other vegetables to sell. His mother loved him but would often get frustrated with his behaviour, she didn’t understand why he was like this. She couldn't get her daughter to take more interest in people rather than animals and Lars also refused to wear skirts. But overall she loved her child and supported him. Lars learnt forest survival from his step father, who wasn’t a talkative man but enjoyed spending time with his child, surprised but happy that he took interest in his hobbies.

As the village was small there was only one school. In each year group there were two classes, Sascha and Lars only met later on as they were in separate classes. It was not until the teachers finally obliged to Lars’ mother asking for him to be moved to the other class due to the bullying, did they meet at age 15. After being introduced to the class, Lars was put next to Sascha as he had no one sitting next to him. The two of them slowly became closer and closer over time. They would talk to each other before class and it wasn’t long before Lars followed Sascha to his little hiding place and asked if he could sit with him. Since then they became good friends and spent break time in their hiding spot, where Lars often would find bugs for Sascha to draw while he talked about the species.

Part one

An attack on the natural order

On Sunday, sitting in the backyard of the village church, Sascha and Lars were approached by Lars' bullies. The girls marched up to them, and with a cutting remark, one of them stomped on the pill bug Lars was watching. Sascha stared up at them in shock, going silent and freezing up, but Lars on the other hand stood up facing her. It took him a few seconds to start to talk but just as Lars was about to reply he was cut off. BANG! Blood and gore exploded into all directions and Lars was left standing in shock, watching a misty cloud of blood falling down to the ground where she was standing. Screams filled the air; multiple explosions could be heard across the village along with gunshots. The three other girls screamed and ran away in terror. During this short period of mania, Sascha and Lars fled into the forest, where they were met with a giant beast; a corrupted spirit, its vessel disfigured. It seemed to be unstable; jerking in sudden, uncomfotrable movements, its eyes were red with puss seeping from the tear ducts, and it didn't seem to have noticed the two fearful humans infront of it. Yet as they attempted to quietly back away, Sascha stepped on a twig, breaking it. The beast swerved its head around to face them, and smashed a tree in the act, which in turn blasted out chunks of wood, one big piece consequentaly cutting Lars in the cheek as it shot past him. With nowhere to hide, they would have to fight. Slowly, Lars pulled out his pocket knife, and pointed it clammily at the beast. But just as it was about to leap at them, it abruptly stopped in its tracks, looked around in a confused daze before it bolted away, crashing into trees as it vanished into the darkness of the forest.

Part two

Part three