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My Favourite Albums          Album Ratings

I love music so much!!! Here are my favourite albums:

The Dreaming By Kate Bush
Oh wow how can I even begin to describe how much I love this album. This is my absolute fav album of Kate Bush, I listen to it almost daily and am somehow still not sick of it. The vocals are beautiful (as usual), the instrumental bits bring a tear to my eye, but most importantly Kate Bush's storytelling is absolute perfection. Each song feels like its own story and I am pulled away from my life into a whole different world for the few minutes the songs plays for. Bush is a master at this in most of her songs, but in this

particular album, with each song, she is able to evoke such intense emotions in me. She also makes me want to dance and prance around my room (which I usually do lol). My favourite songs are probably "Sat in your lap", "There goes a Tenner" and "Get out of my house". 10/10

Divorce Lawyers I Shaved My Head By Jordaan Mason
This album, unlike The Dreaming, I hardly ever listen to. This is not because it is bad, but the opposite; it brings me so many overwhelming emotions because of its brilliancy. Aside from Mason's heartbreaking vocals, raw and authentic, I think what also makes me so emotional when listening is the relevancy towards my own identity and how I feel about myself. This album explores a unique story of a trans individual's experience

and relationship with their partner, both unhappy with the body they were born into. It includes themes of love, loss and identity and each song is a poem filled with strange imagery of sex, horses and oceans. He too, has the ability to capture me into a different world, this one however, much more depressing. 9/10

Twin Fantasy By Car Seat Headrest
Will Toledo's voice is so beautiful... his tracks are tender, heartfelt and somber but also bittersweet at times, they will forever have a place in my heart. Twin Fantasy is about falling in love with a someone you idealise, and desperately clinging onto the fantasy you created of them. (To put it shortly) This is my interpretation of it but there are countless of reviews out there for you to explore. There are two versions of the album, the first one being; "Mirror to Mirror", which came out in 2011. It was then re-released in 2018 as

"Face to Face". The tracks are very similar, but my favourite version is probably "Face to Face". I truly adore this album. No description could ever do it any justice please give it a listen. 10/10

Manamoon By Serani Poji
Oh my god this album feels like eating cotton candy. It was so hard to pick a favourite album from Serani Poji because I love all of them dearly, but I decided on this one. Tomoko Sasaki is honestly such a rythmic genius and I think that this album presents this the most. Each track is different from each other, but all have the same playful and lush tone, always putting me in an uplifting mood. My favourite songs are probably "Spiral da-hi!", "Manamoon" and "Octopus daughter". 9/10

The Moldy Peaches By The Moldy Peaches
This album reminds me of the feeling of having a cold during Autumn, sitting with a cup of hot apple cider outside in a music festival of sorts. It is somehow very nostalgic to me, (maybe because they sing about Little Bunny Foo Foo lol) I love the little beeb boops of the keyboard combined with the slow beat of the drum and Kimya Dawson's lovely voice. Of course the highlight of the album is "Anyone Else But You" which is featured in the movie "Juno" (go watch it, it's great) but honestly I love the songs where Dawson

and Green are yelling crassly to the sweet twang of the guitar, like in the songs "What Went Wrong", "Downloading Porn With Davo" and "Greyhound Bus". 10/10
(This list is unfinished)